
2021-03-05 22:18:08 字數 1566 閱讀 5320


1.we went to london (by plane ) last year

( how ) ( did ) you ( go ) to london last year ?

2.my father went to bed (at 11:00) yesterday .

( what ) ( time ) ( did ) your father ( go ) to bed yesterday ?

3.they visited (guilin ) a week ago .

( where ) ( did ) they ( visit ) a week ago?

4.we stayed in tibet (for ten days ) last year .

( how ) ( long ) ( did ) you ( stay ) in tibet last yentar

5.he goes to school with (his little sister) every day .

( who ) ( does ) he ( go ) to school with every day ?

( who ) ( does ) he ( go ) to school with every day ?

6.tom (went shopping ) last sunday .

( what ) ( did ) tom ( do ) last sunday ?

7.they want to go to tibet (because it』s fantastic) .

( why ) ( do ) they ( want ) to go to tibet?

8.i came back home (the day before vesterday) .

( when ) ( did ) you ( ***e ) back home ?




1.how did go

2.when did go

3.where did visit

4.how long did stay5.who does go

6.what was doing

7.why do want

8.when did ***e


1. how,did, go 2. what time, did, go 3. where, did, visit 4, how long did stay

5. who does go 6. what did do 7. why do want 8. when did ***e


the boy on the bike is lilei是說 在自行車上的那男孩是李磊。主要強調的是人,即李磊 lilei is on the bike是說 李磊正在 騎 自行車上,是說在車上的這個狀態,主要強調的是在車上 騎車 這個狀態,而不是強調的人 前面那句強調車上的人是李磊,強調人,後面那句...


這裡應該填b the other 表示另乙個others 和some對比使用時,是 有些 的意思而不是做 其他 講。other adj.其他的,另外的,從前的 pron.其他的,他人,另外乙個 adv.另外地,不同地 another adj.另外的,又一,不同的 prep.另乙個,另乙個人,同類的東...


every day,i got up very late.i get up at 9 o clock in the morning.at half past eleven,i eat lunch.one point four.in the afternoon,i go to friend s hom...