
2021-03-12 09:27:39 字數 964 閱讀 9977


1.the old man is from sedney.he loves china very much.

now he is teaching english in beijing. he likes working in beijing.

2.the old man ***es from sydney,he is teaching eenglish in beijing now,and he likes beijing very much

3.this old gentleman ***es from sydny,he loves china.now he live in beijing, teaching english.

and he loves working in beijing,


the old man ***es from sydney ,he likes china very much.he thinks beijing is a good place to go sightseeing. he likes china very much,now,he is teaching in beijing.

he likes his school and his students.he says beijing is big and beautiful,he very likes working there.能幫



this man ***es from sydney,he likes china very much.now he is teaching english in beijing.he said beijing was so big and so beautiful.

so he like working here.


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