our school is a good place to study.
our school, a nice place to study in(用作題目 或 加逗號再加半句話 如下:)
our school, a nice place to study in,taught me many things.
(我們的學校是個學習的好地方 教會了我許多事版)這兩種都是可權以的 當然第二種更吊
our school is a good place for study.
our school is a good place to learn !
the importance of english
as the deepening of globalization, english is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners. for one thing, english is an essential tool to know the outside world. nowadays, most information broadcast in english, especially the advanced information.
for another, learning english well, we can see a totally different world. for example, we can read original novels or enjoying english movies better. sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages.
we even would develop a different way of thinking, the english way, so different from chinese way. in short, as acommunicating tool, english plays an important role in our lives.
蠢貓 歌名 我們新疆好地方 歌手 巴哈爾古麗 作詞 巴哈爾古麗 作曲 巴哈爾古麗 我們新疆好地方啊,天山南北好牧場 戈壁沙灘變良田,積雪溶化灌農莊 戈壁沙灘變良田,積雪溶化灌農莊 嘞,我們美麗的田園,我們可愛的家鄉 我們美麗的田園,我們可愛的家鄉 麥穗金黃稻花香啊,風吹草低現牛羊 葡萄瓜果甜又甜,煤...
如果就學一門技bai術而du言的話,個人建議技zhi校,找一dao 家正規的專業,不回管從各個方面 答對你的學習都是有保障系統的,上課理論實踐相結合,主要以實踐為主,機會多,推薦就業。還有相應的學歷證書,職業高中的話主要是針對初中生繼續教育,在文化內容素質這一塊要求多一點,實踐技能這一塊相對少吧。樓...
i think suzhou is a good place for living.我覺得蘇州是個居住的好地方 用英語怎麼說 阿森納球迷 i think suzhou is a good place to live in 甫枋洲 i think suzhou is a good place to l...