應該是:cascada 的《i can't stand it》
歌詞:i'm just a girl
i'm innocent, come take my hand
i'll show you the world of my own
you're just a boy
who makes me weak, who takes my sleep
i need you to dance the night away
i can't stand it anymore now baby
the music makes me feel so crazy
so come on and take my hand
i'll show you the way to dance
and again and again
i need that feeling
cos' baby i know i'm not dreamin'
so come on and take my hand
and i'll show you promised land
i can dance
i'm just a girl
i'm innocent, come take my hand
i'll show you the world of my own
you're just a boy
who makes me weak, who takes my sleep
i need you to dance the night away
i can't stand it anymore now baby
the music makes me feel so crazy
so come on and take my hand
i'll show you the way to dance
and again and again
i need that feeling
cos' baby i know i'm not dreamin'
so come on and take my hand
and i'll show you promised land
福祿考 屬於天藍繡球品種,跟繡球一樣的色彩多變,只是花型並非球形而是錐專形,因此 屬不再討究了。下部葉對生,上部葉互生,頂端銳尖,葉面有柔毛 無葉柄。圓錐狀聚傘花序頂生,有短柔毛,花梗很短 花萼筒狀,萼裂片外面有柔毛,結果時開展或外彎 花冠高腳碟狀,淡紅 深紅 紫 白 淡黃等色,裂片圓形,比花冠管稍...
小靈貓 學名 viverricula indica 是生活在東南亞及南亞的一種麝貓 長約48 58厘公尺,尾長33 41厘公尺 全身灰黃或淺棕色,背部有棕褐色條紋,體側有黑褐色斑點,頸部有黑褐色橫行斑紋,尾部有黑棕相間的環紋。多棲息在低山的森林 闊葉林等,除了會吃老鼠 昆蟲 青蛙 鳥類外,偶爾也會吃...
請問這首歌叫什麼名 老歌,請問這首歌叫什麼名 老歌
我是乙個被愛傷過的人 愛上你不是你的錯 也不是我的錯 我對你的心是永遠的 永遠愛你的騰 編寫 飄雨 我獨自走在冰冷的街 讓思緒隨著風兒飄走 只留下乙個孤獨的靈魂 在前塵今世之間漂流 我守著一望無際的天 看點點星光明亮的眼 只留下乙個寂寞的朋友 擁有短短的一瞬間 從此以後再也沒有什麼 在我身邊糾纏不清...