
2021-07-23 10:02:48 字數 2032 閱讀 6592


否定:he never plays football.\r\n一般疑問句:

does he often plays football?\r\n劃線部分提問:how often does he plays football?

改為 否定句、一般疑問句。肯定回答、否定回答



1.what is his name? 2.

how is jim? 3.what is her phone number?

4.what is that? 5.

what color is your jacket? 6.how are you?

7.janny is my name. 8.

tom is his name. 9.gina is her name.

追問: 對不起,我想你看錯題目了,我是說 要變成一般疑問句和肯否定回答和否定句和對劃線部分提問 回答: 1.

is his name tom? yes,he is. no,he isn't.

his name is not tom. what is his name? 2.

is jim fine? yes,he is. no,he isn't.

jim is not fine. how is jim? 3.

is her phone number 939-658? yes,it is. no,it isn't.

her phone number is not 939-658. what is her phone number? 4.

is that a phone? yes,it is. no,it isn't.

that is not a phone. what is that? 5.

is your jacket red and black? yes,it is. no,it isn't.

my jacket isn't red and black. what color is your jacket? 6.

is this a blue pen? yes,it is. no,it isn't.

this is not a blue pen. what is this? 7.

am i well? yes,i am. no,i am not.

how are you? 8.is your name janny?

yes,i am. no,i am not. my name is not janny.

janny is my name. janny is not my name. 9..

is his name tom? yes,he is. no,he isn't.

his name is not tom. tom is his name. tom is no his name.

10..is her name gina? yes,she is.

no,she isn't. her name is not gina. gina is her name.

gina is not her name.



no,he doesn't


does he go to school on foot?

yes.he does.

no . he doesn't.

how does he go to scool?


how does he go to school ?


一般情況下,肯定句變為否定句就是在be動詞後面 not.如果是變為疑問句,就是把be動詞提前,小寫變大寫。注意標點符號。反之為肯定句。如果句子只有be動詞和情態動詞的話就在be動詞和情態動詞後加not就為否定句,疑問句就把be動詞和情態動詞提到句子前面且要注意時態或人稱和第乙個字母也要大寫!如果句子...


呵呵,把動詞或者助動詞提前就可以了撒。好運。 把be動詞或情態動詞提前,其他不變 英語怎麼改否定句和一般疑問句 要詳細的 怎麼把過去式的英語句子改為一般疑問句,否定句和陳述句,怎麼把過去式的否定句子改為一般疑問句。陳述句 肚蔸兜 一 比如 i told you that yesterday 這句。它...


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