
2021-07-23 22:16:53 字數 1310 閱讀 1569


1.how about john's report? what was john's report like? how was john's report?

2.how did he do? what position did he come?

3.who's the prettiest girl here?

4.how far is the college from here? what's the distance from here to the college?

5.which car do you prefer?

6.how deep is the river? what's the depth of the river?

7.who's the tallest boy in the class?

8.is he as good as you at english?


1.how about his performance?

2.what's the result about tom?

3.who is most beautiful girl?

4.how far is the college?

5.which one do you prefer about the car?

6.what is the depth of that river?

7.who is the tallest among these boys?

8.is he good at english as you do?


1.how was john's report?(你的成績怎麼樣?) 【這個我們英語書上有哦

2.這句意思是 :他名列前茅 但不知道怎麼提問呢..

3.who is the prettiest girl here?(這兒最漂亮的女孩是誰?)

4.how far from here to the university?(從這兒到大學有多遠)

5.which car did you like?(你喜歡哪一輛車?) 【這個不確定 .. 英語成績不好

6.what's the depth of that river?(那條河有多深) 【也不確定

7.who is the tallest boy in the class? (誰是班上最高的男孩?)

8.is he good at english as you do ?(他和你的英語一樣好麼?)

有些藉助了翻譯器. 不好意思呢


快樂是你辛勤耕耘獲得的果實,悲傷正是那成熟前的秕粒。友誼如彩綢,我們共同剪裁縫製成一件件絢麗的衣衫 友誼如花種,我們共同播撒,培育出乙個個五彩的花壇。1.快樂是你仰望已久的那彎圓月,悲傷是那點綴天空的點點繁星。2.我們用親情編乙個的花籃,乙個漂亮的花籃。在花籃裡,親情如花朵,我們共同採摘,播撒一陣陣...

語文,仿照例句,根據給定的事物,寫一句詩或一句話例 竹子每攀登一步,都作一次小結火山 過分的

鏡子 鏡子每望見一眼,都記一場回憶 礦石 過分的執著,反成了一種力量 語文,仿照例句,根據給定的事物,寫一句詩或一句話,例 竹子每攀登一步,都作一次小結 火山 過 鏡子 以竹子的句式 每發現一點,就留下乙個印象 礦石 以火山的句式 過分的開採,反成了一種傷害 仿照例句,根據給定的事物,寫一句話。例 ...


例 空中的彩虹,你何必與堅固的拱橋比恆久呢?你自有你的絢麗。天上的星星,你何必與火熱的太陽比輝煌呢?你自有你的璀璨。略 仿照例句,進行仿寫。要求句式相同,語意連貫。山間的清泉,你何必與遙遠的大海比浩瀚呢?你自有你的清純 空中的彩虹,你何必與堅固的拱橋比恆久呢?你自有你的絢麗。天上的星星,你何必與火熱...