
2021-07-28 20:37:45 字數 1770 閱讀 6867


on the floor——jennifer lopez

it's a new generation of party people

darling get on the floor

darling get on the floor

let me introduce you to my party people

in the club...


i’m loose

and everybody knows i get off the chain

baby it’s the truth

i’m like inception i play with your brain

so i don’t sleep i snooze

i don’t play no games so don’t get it confused no

cos you will lose yeah

now pump it up

and back it up like a tonka truck

[jennifer lopez]

if you go hard you gotta get on the floor

if you’re a party freak then step on the floor

if your an animal then tear up the floor

break a sweat on the floor

yeah we work on the floor

don’t stop keep it moving

put your drinks up

pick your body up and drop it on the floor

let the rhythm change your world on the floor

you know we’re running sh*t tonight on the floor

brazil morocco

london to ibiza

straight to la, new york

vegas to africa


dance the night away

live your life ,and stay young on the floor

dance the night away

grab somebody drink a little more


tonight we gon’ be it on the floor


tonight we gon’ be it on the floor


that‘s my girl


g squadron, producing fearfhe shaken air like s


cture that day as far in the future. when


是詹妮弗 洛佩茲的on the floor.


同學會,艾倫常遠王寧演的,今晚的元宵會上有演出,剛才在電腦上看到這個資訊了 歡樂喜劇人第三季,第9期,常遠團隊的那個高個子美女是誰呀?10 是不是蔣欣啊?還有乙個演舞女那個是從 笑傲江湖 出來的,宋丹丹還收了當徒弟,叫鄂博 歡樂喜劇人第三季第五期常遠團隊裡面那個演常遠 大明星cy那期 他媽 她得嗓音...


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你好我今年剛考完,我建議你去找乙個你認識的高三學生,得是學習好的,讓他給你講一下高三的整個脈絡 王厚熊的,很不錯的,有知識點,也有習題,還有解答。教材知識全解也很不錯哦。資料再多 不如把書本上的知識學紮實 如果能把書上的知識倒背如流 你也就成功了 www.fzyegs.com 友情幫忙團 鳳之魚兒茶...