fine on the outside-priscilla ahn
i never had that many friends growing up
so i learn to be
ok with
just me just me just me just me
and i'll be fine on the outside
i like to eat in school by myself
so i'll just stay
right here right here right here right here
and i'll be fine on the outside
so i just sit in my room
after hours with the moon
and think of who knows my name
would you cry if i died
would you remember my face
so i left home i packed up and i moved
far away
from my past one day
and i laugh and i laugh
and i laugh and i laugh
and i sound fine on the outside
ha ha ha……
sometimes i feel lost sometimes i'm confused
sometimes i fine
that i am not alright
and i cry and i cry and i cry
ha ha ha……
so i just sit in my room
after hours with the moon
and think of who knows my name
would you cry if i died
would you remember my face
這個是喜紙大大的,給你帖子,你點只看樓主,然後翻到最後面幾頁,喜紙之前是限郵,後來最後給了鏈結,全部開放了 大俠您好 幫你找了,沒有該資料的哦 如能幫到您,還請採納。劍網三求女神這張臉的資料,已被美哭 大俠您好 jx3cg.這裡有你想要的呢 如能幫到您,還請採納。貼吧搜 喜子花姐臉 應該能找到 這資...
哪有那麼多男神女神,姑且認為這個問題是問 男神 女神 稱呼的氾濫。男神 女神大致可以看做是帥哥 美女的公升級版,因為大家需要更濃烈 更刺激 更極端的語句,於是這兩個詞就氾濫了。女神,男神這些形容詞已經變得很氾濫,你們覺得 無非就是一種稱呼,你難道現在喊女生小姐?稱呼姐姐過於親密,阿姨人家會抽你一頓,...
她就是阿麗莎。她之前是一位非常優秀的職業運動員,多次的為國爭光,退役之後當了模特,所以她現在有很多粉絲。她就是阿麗莎,有著很精緻的五官,顏值出眾,氣質很出色,身材方面非常高挑。被稱為俄羅斯體壇第一女神,退役後成模特,她是誰呢?彌賽維諾奇。彌賽維諾奇曾經是一名優秀的體操運動員,由於身材過於 導致過早退...