關於at the end of,by the end of,in the end of還有些我忘了很容易搞混該怎樣分

2022-10-10 09:06:29 字數 682 閱讀 2932


in the end意思是終於;

in the end of意思是在……結束的時候

by the end of意思是到…為止

at the end of意思是在……末端/終點/結尾

例子:in the end, we found the house.我們終於找到了那所房子。

i am all tired in the end of the day. 一天下來我筋疲力盡。(這裡in the end of=at the end of)

let me know by the end of the week. 這個週末前給我回音。

the senate recessed at the end of the afternoon. 參議院午後休會。

in the end of還有乙個意思是「在……末端」,等於at the end of。如:

he makes a knot in the end of the string. 他在繩子末端打了個結。



at the end of 在……的末端;在……的盡頭

by the end of 到……時為止

in the end of 沒有這種表達,只有in the end,意為:「最後;終於」


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