a 1. we __a___ here today.
a. are all b. all are c. is all d. all is
c 2. the map _____ china is ______ the wall ________ our classroom.
a. in, of, on b. of, on, in c. of, on, of d. of, of, on
b 3. what's eleven and twenty? it is _______.
a. thirty-one b. thirty one b. thirty-two d. thirty two
b 4. what colour is an orange? it is ______.
a. red b. orange c. white d. black
a 5. ______ do you like china? i think it is very beautiful.
a. how b. what c. where d. which
d 6. is there any chicken on the plate? yes, there is ______
a. many b. any c. one d. some
c 7. please buy some food from the shop _________.
a. on your way to home b. to your way home
c. on your way home d. at your way to home
d 8. there ______ milk in the glass.
a. aren't many b. aren't much c. isn't many d. isn't much
a 9. why _______ play with those boys?
a. not b. no c. don't d. /
a 10. do you usually go to school _____ foot?
a. on b. in c. at d. by
a c a b a d c d a a
1.d 2.c h 3.b4.e 其他的忘記了。打字不易,如滿意,望採納。下面這個選擇題答案選什麼?應選c。權益法規定,被投資單位所有者權益發生變化時,投資單位要按照持股比例相應調整長期股權投資帳面價值,同時確認投資收益 被投資單位發生淨利潤或淨虧損 或者計入資本公積 被投資單位發生不計入利潤的其它...
高一語文下學期第一次月考 跪求 高中語文成語或詞語選擇題一共20道 附帶答案與講解 c差強人意 大體上能使人滿意,勉強還行 用於事情 莘莘學子 許多學生 不能用於乙個人 不孚眾望 不能使大家信服 望其項背 能夠望見別人的頸項和背脊,表示差距不大,表示趕得上或比得上 多用於否定式 下列各句中,加點的成...
1 b 在戶籍管理處登記 註冊的意思 用anmelden 2 b nichts neues 這裡做名詞要大寫 3 a 表示多高用gro 4 b 向後看下 有方向 用nach hinten 5 d gern的比較級是 6 d 比我想象的持續的還要長 用比較級 7 b 因為是siezen所以用ihnen...