my mother worked in a hospital until 2005
1. my mum worked in hospital until 2005.
2.my father taught me to drive bicycle when i was ten。
3 . that family always come to the park on sunday.
4.a large number of buildings are spring up.
5.the famous pianist richard clayderman will arriving in beijing tonight.
1. my mother always worked in a hospital until 2005.
2. my father taught me to ride bicycle when i was 10.
3. this family always go to park on sundays
4. it springs up a great number of buildings around.
5. the famous pianist richard clayderman will be arriving beijing.
when i was10 year's old. my father teached me to take a bike
1.看這張愛爾蘭國王曾經坐過的椅子,句子主幹是see the chair 後面的是where引導的定語從句 2.沿著這條路走,它以它的眾多商店而著名,這個句子前半句是主幹,後面是定語從句,不過是非限定定語從句,完整的應該是which is known for its many stores 1.看那...
1.萬事開頭難 2.知足者常樂 3.血濃於水 4.善有善報 5.孤芳自賞 6.兄弟即是上天賜予的朋友。7.兄弟姐妹情同手足。8.有時作為哥哥更勝超級英雄 9.兄弟一樣的友誼要珍惜!10.昨日不復來 11 不入虎穴,焉得虎子!12 逆水行舟,不進則退 13 結實愈豐者,其穗愈低。14 一諾千金 15 ...
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