能,但select 後的*裡的字段必須as成jieshuid,bid,bookname,time才可以
insert into jieshuxinxi(jieshuid,bid,bookname,time) select * from [娃娃書] where id='" + shukanbianhao + "' and bookname='" + shumingzi + "'+"textbox4.text ";
string sqll="select * from [娃娃書] where id='" + shukanbianhao + "' and bookname='" + shumingzi + "'\r\ninsert into jieshuxinxi(jieshuid,bid,bookname,time) values('" + yonghubianhao + "','" + shukanbianhao + "','" + shumingzi + "','" + textbox4.text + "')";給分吧
update a set a.deviceid b.deviceid from tblunitblockarrange a,vwdevicelist b where a.devicename b.devicename update a set a.deviceid b.deviceid from t...
關於SQL語句查詢問題,關於SQL語句 查詢問題
這個問題主要是sql語句 select from table where a beg a and a end a or a beg like a select b from table where a beg a and a end a or to char b like a select b fr...
sql查詢語句like 的問題,sql查詢語句Like 的問題
like 操作符用於在 where 子句中搜尋列中的指定模式。sql like 操作符語法 select column name s from table name where column name like pattern 萬用字元 描述 替代一個或多個字元 僅替代一個字元 charlist 字...