回答:old macdonald had a farm(老麥克唐納有個農場)
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
and on that farm he had some chicks. e-i-e-i-o.
with a chick-chick here.
and a chick-chick there.
here a chick. there a chick. everywhere a chick.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
old macdonald had a farm.
and on that farm he had some cows. e-i-e-i-o.
with a moo-moo
here. and a moo-moo there.
here a moo. there a moo. everywhere a moo-moo.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
old macdonald had a farm.
and on that farm he had some ducks. e-i-e-i-o.
with a
quack-quack here. and a quack-quack there.
here a quack. there a moo.
everywhere a quack-quack.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
oldmacdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
and on that farm he had some pigs.
with a oink-oink there. and a oink-oink there.
here a oink,
there a oink. everywhere a oink-baa.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
and on that farm he had some
dogs. e-i-e-i-o.
with a bow-bow here. and a bow-bow there.
here a bow.
there a bow. everywhere a bow-bow.
old macdonald had a farm. e-i-e-i-o.
唔依唔阿阿是一首丹麥語 dansk 歌,是cartoons樂隊於1998間發售單曲 歌名為 witch doctor 中文名叫 巫醫 抖音唔依唔阿阿歌曲歌詞 witch doctor 歌手 the cartoons 所屬 toonage 作曲 bagdasarian hey witch doctor...
在阿依蓮店裡買的衣服,衣服上的商標卻不是a yi lian
我也是,昨天剛買的,在北京,她說自己的事阿依蓮的 可能只是在阿依蓮店賣,不是他原廠家生產,現在很多都這樣,不一定在他家店買的都是他家店的牌子衣服,你買的那地是不是阿依蓮專賣店啊!我在專賣店買的阿依蓮的衣服,可是我看商標和網上店裡的商標不一樣,不知道是不是用了阿依蓮標的假衣服。10 我買的上面是愛熙蘇...
劍王牙 積少成多 j sh o ch ng du 釋義 一點一滴的積累 就會從少變多。語出 漢書 董仲舒傳 聚少成多 積小致巨。正音 少 不能讀作 sh o 辨形 積 不能寫作 集 近義 日積月累 積水成淵 聚沙成塔 反義 杯水車薪 用法 多用於事物的逐漸聚積。一般作謂語 賓語 分句。結構 連動式。...