winter is a white season, is also a transparent season. it didn't like spring that vitality, not like the summer that vitality, also not like autumn harvest, but as a peaceful. its beauty in the snowflake heartily performance out.
this winter, how don't cute?
翻譯 冬天是一個白色的季節,也是一個透明的季節。它沒有像春天那樣的活力,沒有像夏天那樣的活力,也不喜歡秋天的收穫,但作為一個和平。它的美麗的雪花盡情地表現出來。
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關於「冬天」的作文左右,關於「冬天」的作文 500字左右
找一篇寫冬天的作文500字左右 寫一篇冬天的作文500個字三年級的 酒多傷肺腑,詩少月難明。雞鳴奔前途,踏雪念一人。楊大俠 heroyang 關於冬天的作文600字的。寫景作文500字冬天 不經意間,窗外已飄起了雪花,雪花從一望無際的天空輕輕飄落下來,紛紛揚揚 飄飄灑灑.一朵朵 一片片晶瑩如玉,潔白...