
2023-01-01 10:55:49 字數 849 閱讀 9829


oracle 10 以及以上版本可用:

select id,wmsys.wm_concat(bom) time from table

group by id

oracle 9

select id,substr(max(sys_connect_by_path(bom,',')),2) ename from

(select id,bom,row_number()over(partition by id order by id ) rn from table)

start with rn=1

connect by rn-1=prior rn and id=prior id

group by id

order by id


借助於 sys_conenct_by_path 函式 , oralce 9i 開始才有的。

select t1.id, ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(t1.bom, ',')), ',')

from (select t.id,


min(t.bom) over(partition by t.id) minbom,

row_number() over(order by id) + dense_rank() over(order by id) rn

from t_test2 t) t1

start with t1.bom = t1.minbom

connect by prior rn = rn - 1

group by t1.id;

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