
2022-10-14 19:05:17 字數 1448 閱讀 4756


one day, the crow has found a piece of meat, see the fox, want to eat slobbering. the fox thinks of an evil plan, says to the crow: "crow young lady, i heard from others the song that you sang had better be listened to, asked you to sing one for me!

the crow just opens one's mouth, the meat is dropped to the ground from crow's mouth, the fox holds in the mouth that meat to the hole in a hurry


the story of fox and crow



the crow and the fox

a crow is sitting in a tree .she has a piece of meat in her mouth .a fox is walking by and sees the crow's meat .

the fox wants to eat meat because it feels hungry.then the clever fox has a good idea .it asks her to sing .

she is not good at singing and the meat drops off.so the fox gets the nice meat.


英語作文 狐狸與烏鴉



one day, the crow has found a piece of meat, see the fox, want to eat slobbering. the fox thinks of an evil plan, says to the crow: "crow young lady, i heard from others the song that you sang had better be listened to, asked you to sing one for me!

the crow just opens one's mouth, the meat is dropped to the ground from crow's mouth, the fox holds in the mouth that meat to the hole in a hurry 。

用兔子獵人喜鵲大樹太陽寫作文,用狐狸 獵人 大象 鯉魚和太陽寫作文

小獅子和獅子媽媽們生活在一起,每天嬉戲,開心。有一天,小獅子在曬太內陽,獅容子媽媽看見了,說 曬太陽很舒服,接著,獅子媽媽走到小獅子跟前。說,不過,如果孩子現在一直曬太陽,不會謀生,將來我們老了,不在了,你靠誰呢?你也應該學會生活的本領,做乙隻真正的獅子。小獅子覺得媽媽說得有道理,就自言自語的說道 ...


鐵匠鋪交響曲。他父親把一塊鐵放進爐裡,邱麻子拉風箱。呼 噠,呼 噠 鐵塊燒紅了,他父親用鉗子夾出來,擱在砧子上。他父親用小錘一點 丁 他就用大錘砸在父親輕點的地方,當 丁 當,丁 當。當一件鐵活快成型時,就不再需要大錘,只由他父親用小錘正面反面輕敲幾下,丁 丁 丁 丁 丁丁丁丁 這就是用小錘空擊在鐵...

用座用銘寫作文去在,用座用銘寫作文 450字去在

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