1, yes, it is.
2, there are three new kinds of mooncakes.
3, it stays a little warm.
4, the newest is the naliang mooncake.
1,yes ,it is.
2 three
3,weather often stays a little warm.
4naliang mooncakes
5it is made of green beans and tea
1 yes, it is.
2 three kinds of mooncakes are mentioned in the passage.
3 it often stays a little warm .
4 naliang mooncakes is the newest kind of mooncakes.
5 it's made of green beans and tea.
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首先,對於主旨大意題的解題技巧 有很多同學都覺得需要通過通讀全文然後把握文章脈絡以及主旨來解題,但是其實大家要知道我們是沒有時間去讓我們通讀全文的,而且文章我們也是不容易讀明白的。主旨大意題是有解題技巧的,可以利用題幹和文章來解題,那麼文章解題是非常快速的 1.利用前邊的4道題的題幹解題 2.利用首...
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