
2022-05-10 06:41:22 字數 573 閱讀 7012


1. when the boy was walking down the street, the ufo landed.

2. what did he do at nine o'clock last sunday morning?

3. when were you talking loudly?

4. he was cleaning the blackboard this time yesterday.

5. what terrible weather it is!


while/when landed

what was doing

when were

was cleaning

what terrible


1. when, landed

2.what did do

3.when were

4.was cleaning

5.what terrible


there isn t anything else in the fridge.改為同義句 there is nothing else in the fridge.mike is not good at english.改為同義句 mike is poor at english.希望幫助到你,若有疑...


1 葛脩潤保護白鶴梁的建議終於得到了國家的支援.縮寫 葛脩潤的建議得到了支援 2 經過文物部門幾年的勘查發掘,氣勢非凡的秦始皇兵馬俑終於展示在世人面前 縮寫 兵馬俑展示在世人面前 3 陝西臨潼縣西楊村村民發現了秦始皇兵馬俑。改被字句 秦始皇兵馬俑被陝西臨潼縣西楊村村民發現了 4 王剛同學的性格對王老...

英語 按要求改寫下列句子,英語作業 按要求改寫下列句子

我是英語老師,幫幫你。1.play tennis after school.或 let s play tennis after school.2.how hard he works 3.let s not go to see them.4.let him not play outside after...